Semantic const

Deep or shallow const?

Semantic const

Imagine we have a class with some getter/observer method that is protected by a mutex:

class DataWrapper {
    DataType data_;
    std::mutex mtx_;
    DataType getData();

DataType DataWrapper::getData() {
    std::scoped_lock lk(mtx_);
    return data_;

The lock operation on the mutex cannot work on a const *this, so the getData() method cannot be made const. This contradicts our usual assumption of a getter method, how can an observer be non-const?

After all, the non-constness comes from the implementation of getData(), which requires locking the mutex, thus modifying one of the members. However, the interface being non-const is still suboptimal. What if we implement getData() with std::atomic<T>::load, which is const? The interface declaration should be orthogonal to implementation details.

If we insist on keeping the mutex as a direct data member, the solution is to mark mtx_ as mutable, so it’s mutable even with const *this. This way, we achieve semantic const, so the user of the API can hold their usual assumptions.

const overloading

Const overloading is mostly used when returning a reference/pointer to some data within(or managed by) an object. An example is the operator[] of std::vector, which returns const reference when the vector itself is const, or non-const reference otherwise.

For std::vector, the const overload is semantic only. Because, it’s perfectly valid to return a pointer to non-const value, that is managed by a const std::vector ref. However, since std::vector is a standard container type that manages data on its own, we want it to have value semantics: If the vector is const, so should be the elements managed by it.

Avoid code duplication

When you starting providing const overloads, you’ll likely run into lots of duplicated code, for the const and non-const overloads.

We can re-use the const methods in the non-const overload, by forcing constness on *this, and returning the result as mutable reference. For the former we have std::as_const. Below is an implementation of as_mut (Sorry, I took the nomenclature from Rust):

template<typename T>
constexpr auto& as_mut(T& t) noexcept // T can be const or non-const
    return const_cast<std::remove_const_t<T>&>(t);
// This overload disallows any rvalue argument
template<typename T>
void as_mut(const T&&) = delete;

Semantic non-const

Sometimes things go the opposite direction: A method modifies some internal state via a pointer/reference member, so it only requires const *this, e.g. in a PIMPL class. In such circumstances, we still might want to mark the method as non-const, when the object actually owns the referenced data, since the managed data is semantically part of the object itself.

const views, shallow constness

However, if the object is merely a non-owning view into some referenced data, it makes more sense to use “shallow” constness, i.e. the underlying data is mutable through a const view object. std::span<T> is one example of shallow constness.

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Last updated on Apr 15, 2024 00:00 UTC
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